August 02, 2006

Germany - Soccer World Cup!

After Spain, Tanya and I travelled to eastern Germany to stay with the Legend you see in the 1st photo below. We stayed with Clemens in Dresden for 5 unforgettable days in a whirlpool of walking (EVERYWHERE!), soccer matches, beer gardens, hiking, cycling and eating. Wow Clemens, Tanya and I were spoilt rotten - PROST!

Clemens and Tanya in Dresden's Old Town.

Taking a break during our cycle along the Elbe river towards the small town of Meissen, where we spent the night. Meissen is incredible. Ancient and quaint. We had these SUPER PORNO red bikes with baskets...I was almost picked up by a guy or two.

I could've added one of 1000's of stunning pics here of mountains, old cathedrals, or people, but my love of indoor sports got the better of me. This is a urinal in a retaurant/pub. A little ball hangs above ground from some fishing line at the mouth of the while you're relieving yourself you can practise your goal shooting. Brilliant.

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