September 10, 2006

Taroko Gorge

My parents arrive in Taiwan! Start their holiday with a CrAZy scooter trip through downtown!

We then hit the road to Taroko Gorge on the east coast. It's one of the wonders of the natural world. WOW! Check these photos...
Hike after a healing (and illegal) soak in the natural hot spring!This place feels like the home of King Kong...massive mountains, massive waterfalls, tunnels, cliffs, and landslides...

Yes this is the national highway we took home! This raod running across the width of the island is plagued by earthquakes, and typhoons. The road is permanently under construction. Pretty damn scary.

Had an amazing time with my folks. It was only 5 days but we crammed so much into the short trip so they really got a taste of Taiwan. (the sunny side that is!)

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