October 11, 2006

Weekend with Lalin's aboriginal family

Tanya, Christo, Iutian, Marisa, and I had the priviledge of spending 2 days with an aboriginal family near Wufong. We stayed in a sheet-metal mountain shack for 1 night and were spoilt by the views, food, and adventure. Hunting for flying squirrels with a 2m long home-made rifle took 1st prize in the "new experience" category.

Our group:
Tanya, Iutian, (my other pink piece of crap scooter), Marisa, Lalin, Christo

Thanks to our hosts:
Lalin's mom: our chef, cleaner, singer
Lalin's son: who was naughty as hell
Lalin's dad: No.1 drinker, smoker, betel-nut chewer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dit lyk awesome ands!